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At Forever Deco effortless flow and beauty are the essence of our work. We put an enormous amount of work in planning and preparation for this to happen. Beautiful flow is what creates Events that run as scheduled, organically, hitting targets and leaving all involved elated. Beauty in a home or workplace is true, only when it allows your everyday life to flow

and sets you up to succeed in all you wish to achieve.

As beauty has many definitions, we will listen carefully and respectfully to find out yours. As for flow we will discover together what you wish to achieve and then focus our experience and skills to deliver on budget. Our team and suppliers are carefully selected with impeccable standards, reliability and cheerfulness to be the golden standards of our work.

Let us introduce to the unique, beautiful flow of what your life can be ...




Iliana Kotsa

Event Planner - Interior Designer 



In one of his poems Baz Luhrmann says that many important people in his life did not know what they wanted to do with their lives until they were 22 years old. But some of the most interesting of them did not know even now that they are 40 years old.

It took me several years to make the dream of my life come true and fortunately some people like the writer understood the time it took for this trip. Starting from the study of ancient Greek and Latin in my teenage years, studying sociology and tourism, working in leading positions in the field of airlines but also as the manager of Swissport lounge and British Airways lounge at Eleftherios Venizelos airport, I got involved in organizing large corporate events.

My every step with the last one of the graduation of the school of Interior Design adds another stone of experience to my final and ultimate goal which was to create my own office for event planning, decoration and interior design.

After many years of study in the field and countless hours of seminars, attending exhibitions and events, I have created my office in which I am sure I will achieve the maximum possible result for you, to beautify every part of your life from a room in your home, until the most important, personal, family and social event you dream of.

Guided by the saying "Whatever you choose to do, make sure you are happy" I have set a goal to become "happy" by making those who trust me and my team for our services, contented and satisfied.

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